Spirit Advocacy

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Who We Are

Spirit Advocacy is a lived experience-led charitable organisation established 30 years ago in the Scottish Highlands. We guarantee the leadership of lived experience by ensuring that over 50% of our trustees, staff, volunteers, and members have lived experience. As such, Spirit Advocacy is managed, operated and governed by people with direct experience of living with mental health issues or illness and people with learning disabilities. Our membership is open to anyone who is passionate about making a positive change in the lives of people experiencing mental health issues or illness and/or learning disability.

What We Do

Spirit Advocacy functions as an independent collective advocacy service. We provide our services for people who have experienced, or are experiencing, mental health issues or illness via HUG Action for Mental Health and through the work of People First Highland for people with learning disabilities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to invest in those who struggle to have their voices heard, to support people with lived experience to raise awareness of the issues they face, and influence positive change by leading meaningful engagement and training that embody our values.

Get Involved

Want to get involved or raise an issue facing the services you access or the community you live in?

Email contact@spiritadvocacy.org.uk or phone John Beaton, Development Manager at 07553 206666.